We are America's local elected leaders

While so much has changed since March, as local leaders have been at the forefront of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as leading local conversations around racial equity, the way forward to local economic competitiveness and rebuilding remains the same. As local leaders prepare to lead the way into economic recovery, we know that the NLC Leading Together agenda is as relevant as ever. 

We are the voice of America’s cities, towns and villages, representing more than 200 million people. We are Republicans, Democrats and Independents. We may disagree on some issues, but we are united in the belief that our nation is strongest when all levels of government work together to protect and advance the priorities of America’s communities and their residents. We are committed to Leading Together.


Cities Agenda

The Leading Together Cities Agenda reflects an understanding of Americans’ top priorities and concerns. This is America’s agenda for a strong, safe and fair nation.


Tweet Your Candidate

The work starts here. Reach out to the presidential candidates and urge them commit to the Cities Agenda and with partnering with local leaders. Leading Together is about respect, partnership, inclusion & accountability.

Shared Values

As local leaders, we know that governing effectively is not just about what we do; it is also about how we get it done. We want to work with the President to bring a spirit of partnership to American politics and governance.

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